Girls Beach Lax Festival

Girls Beach Lax Festival

June 7-8, 2025

One of the most popular tournaments of the summer, Girls Beach Lax attracts the top teams from the area to Ocean City every year. Come enjoy great lacrosse while also giving your team the opportunity to hit the beach early in the summer. Each team will play 4 games minimum and every division plays to a championship. Champions will receive prizes.

New game format: 4 games plus Championship and 2- 20 minute halves!

Now offering Varsity and JV Divisions!

Event Cancellation Insurance

Affordable Protection Available:

This policy covers all unsafe weather-related conditions, ensuring teams are protected from the unexpected, including: Heat, rain, ice, snow, hail, smoke, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, unplayable venues.

How Does It Work

When you register your team for a tournament you will see an option to add Team Coverage Insurance. 

Check Out Event Insurance Tab below for more information and cost.

Event Details


June 7-8, 2025


Northside Park

200 125th St, Ocean City, MD 21842



Girls 9U and Club 2034/2035 : $1175

Options for Making Payment and Fee Structures: 

  1. ACH: Fee of 1.5% This is an easy and secure way to make payment. You just need your banking information – it’s as easy as writing a check. 
  2. Check: Fee of $25 for handling. Cost effective when paying in full and the amount is over $2000.00. If you select Payment Plan at checkout you will be charged $25 per installment. 
  3. Credit Card: Fee of 3.25%. Fastest and quickest way to make payment. 

Tournament Format:

4 game tournament with championship
Two- 20 minute halves



  • 2029
  • 2030
  • 2031
  • 2032
  • 2033
  • 2034/2035 


  • 9U (8 v 8)
  • 11U
  • 13U

High School: (2026-2028)

  • Varsity 
  • JV

Game Play

Tournament format will consist of 4 Games plus a Championship. Games will consist of  two 20-minute running halves with 3 minute half time. One 45-second time out. 

Summer 2025 Teams

Black Bear PA
Fallston Flames MD
Legends MD  MD
Limelight  MD
MDLL Shamrocks MD
North Bay Lacrosse Club MD
Predators MD  NY
South Carroll Select  MD
Team 11  MD
Ville  MD


1. Player must be age eligible to compete in this event (2025 – 2035 Graduation Years) and not playing with another team over the weekend

2. Once registered, Aloha Lacrosse will send out player information directly to Team Coaches/Directors attending this event

4. If a team needs an additional player or two, the coach/director will reach out to the player directly

5. Player/Parent should reach out to Kathy ( to be taken off of the Free Agent List if you are picked up or can no longer attend.


Policies & Rules

Why Aloha Tournaments

  • Competitive and Balanced Divisions
  • Accommodating to Grad-Year and Age-Based teams
  • Team and Family Friendly Scheduling
  • Premier High School Recruiting Opportunities
  • First Class Venues With Ample Parking
  • Best-In-Class Customer Care and Attention All Year Long
  • Unparalleled Player and Fan Experience
  • Prizes for Champions
Highlight Video


All Aloha Tournament events are smoke free, pet free, and alcohol free events. No grills, generators, noisemakers or air horns are allowed.  Thank you for respecting our fans and players! 

GIRLS 9U, 11U, 13U AND 15 U RULES:

All rules will be as established by the MYLA unless otherwise noted.

Playing time will consist of 2 twenty-minute running time halves, with a 2-minute halftime.

Officials will keep score and control the time for these games.  Games will start promptly. Teams should be ready to play.

Each team will receive one (1) 45-second time out with possession or after a goal, at which time the clock will stop. If a team does not return to the field in a prompt manner after the timeout, they will either lose possession of the ball or be assessed a delay of game penalty.

There will be no overtime.  At the end of the game, if the whistle has already blown to stop play for a major foul in the arc, a free position will be set up on the 8-meter arc and one shot, no pass, no rebound play will be permitted.  In this case only, if play is stopped by another major foul, the play will reset.

There will be no captains meeting or stick checks prior to the game.  First alternate possession will go to the light-colored uniform team.

Forfeits will be considered a 7-0 victory for the team that is prepared to play.

 9U Division:

8 vs 8 (2 attack, 2 defense, 3 middies, 1 goalie)

The four-goal rule will be in effect – if a team is leading by 4 or more goals, the draw will be eliminated, and the ball awarded to the trailing team at midfield.

There will be a 2-pass requirement; resets at center line; goalie clear counts as a pass. If, after an attack turnover between the restraining line and the goal they are shooting on, possession is regained, the attack does not need 2 more passes. A pass is defined as a stick’s length in distance.

No stick checking.

Center line used for off-sides (2 back and goalkeeper) Offsides is called, but not penalized. If goal is scored and offsides affects play, goal is disallowed.

The 5 second closely guarded rule will be in effect. *

Follow-through into the goal circle on shot is not permitted.

No triple teaming permitted. Double teaming is okay,       

11U and 13U Divisions:

There will be modified checking below the shoulder.

The 3 second closely guarded rule will be in effect.*

No pass requirement.

The six-goal rule will be in effect – if a team is leading by 6 or more goals, the draw will be eliminated, and the ball awarded to the trailing team at midfield.

Follow-through into goal circle on shot not permitted.

In case of red/yellow card, team MUST sub for carded player.

15U Division:

There will be full checking permitted.

No pass requirement. Follow-through into goal circle on shot permitted.

The six-goal rule will be in effect – if a team is leading by 6 or more goals, the draw will be eliminated, and the ball awarded to the trailing team at midfield.

   * The 3 seconds (Lightning- Middies)) and 5 seconds (Tyker) closely guarded rules:  If a defensive player is within a legal checking position (two hands on the stick in a way that could produce a legal check) of the player with the ball for 3 seconds (Lightning- Middies) and 5 seconds (Tyker) , the whistle will be blown and the defensive player awarded the ball  (minor foul).

 All Levels

No deputy goalie allowed – no unprotected player is allowed in the goal circle at any time.


Girls Field

2025 USA Lacrosse Women’s Rules will be used for ALL graduation years 2029-2035 with the following exceptions:

2030-2033 teams will play MODIFIED CHECKING

2034-2035: No checking


In the event of any inclement weather, extreme temperature, visibility issue and/or dangerous field conditions our Director of Health and Participant Safety may recommend modifications to game time for safety reasons.


Playing time will consist of two (2) twenty-minute running time halves, with a 2-minute halftime. Running clock. One 45 sec. time out permitted by each coach.


Yellow cards: If a yellow card is issued, it is a 2-minute NON-RELEASABLE penalty that begins once the player exits the field. If a penalty occurs immediately before the end of the 1st half, the penalty will continue into the second half until the full two minutes have been served. If two yellow cards are issued, a player is ineligible for the rest of the game. If a red card is issued, that player is removed from that game and the following game.  If 4 yellow cards are issued to a single team in a single game, the offending team must play man-down for the remainder of the contest.

8-meter shot: If the game horn sounds before an 8 meter can be taken, the shot will be taken but play will end upon a Goalie save or a missed 8 meter. There will be no opportunity for a change in possession or rebound by either team.


2029 The stick may enter the circle on the shot.

2030-2035: The stick MAY NOT enter the circle on the shot.


There will be no stick checks prior to the start of a game. Coaches cannot request a stick check of an opposing player. All sticks must comply with NFHS and USA Lacrosse guidelines.


All Divisions participate in checking corresponding to USA Lacrosse and NFHS rules. *

2029: Transitional check in with option to full check if agreed upon by coaches.

2030: Transitional

2031-2035: Modified

*Special note for 2029 Division: This age group may do full-checking if both teams agree prior to playing; If both teams are playing with full-checking then all USL High School rules apply; If one team wants to play with modified checking, and one does not wish to play with full checking, then the modified checking rule will stand, and all USA Lacrosse U13 rules will stand.


Pool Play Overtime – There will be no overtime in pool play. At the end of the game, if the whistle has already blown to stop play for a major foul in the arc, a free position will be set up on the 8 meter arc and one shot, no pass, no rebound play will be permitted. In this case only, if play is stopped by another major foul, the play will reset.

Championship Overtime – Championship game will consist of unlimited 3-minute periods until a goal is scored. Each team will be awarded one 30 second timeout and the clock will stop.


Applied when there is a (7) goal deficit in pool play in Youth Divisions only. Teams down by 7 or more goals will get a choice to have a free position at center after each goal. No draw will be done. If both coaches agree to waive the mercy rule, play will start with a draw as per USA Lacrosse rules.


In the event of a forfeit, the winning team will be awarded 7 goals in reference to the 7-goal max differential. If a team forfeits a game, they will be ineligible for championship bracket play.


Will be kept by the field coordinator. Post game the field coordinator will certify the official score with both coaches and officials. Once scores are certified & reported they may not be challenged. If a dispute arises, please call a tournament director to the field. If a coach has concerns about the final score of a game, the coach should immediately bring the concern to the attention of the field coordinator and game referees prior to that score being reported to the tournament directors. Once reported, scores may not be challenged. Tournament Directors will only communicate with head coaches and/or club directors.


Teams will be seeded according to their overall record based on points; teams receive 3 points for win, 1 point for a tie. If two teams are tied on points after the pool play the following tie- breakers will be used.

1) Head-to-Head

2) Goals against

3) Goal differential (max 7 per game +/-)

4) Coin flip.

In the event of a 3+ team tie, the tiebreaker process starts at step 2. Once a team is selected as winning the 3+ team tiebreaker, the tie breaking process restarts at step 2 until 2 teams remain. The process starts at step 1 once 2 teams are remaining.


No player can compete on more than one team within the same age group or grad year for a different club. Limited age exceptions can be made in advance at the discretion of tournament directors. No roster number limit.


Delays of the game due to injury may result in shortened game times. All games must end prior to the next scheduled game on that field. Field coordinators should summon the trainer to the field in case of injury or emergency.


If a player leaves the sideline to get involved in an on the field altercation, or a player on the field runs from the opposite end crossing the midfield, that player is automatically ejected from the game and the following game. The player may also be removed from the league/tournament. The offending team may have to forfeit the game at the discretion of the tournament director. If both teams have players exhibiting this behavior the game may be called and both teams will have the game recorded as a loss. The offending team or teams also may render themselves ineligible for the playoffs. The coaches and officials are expected to protect and promote the safety and well-being of all players. Any player, fan or coach ejected from a game will be prohibited from competing in/coaching/watching his/her team’s next game. If this happens a second time, said participant will be disqualified from the event. Ejections are determined by the referees, expulsions by the tournament directors.


Alcohol, drugs, discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation by players, coaches, or fans will not be tolerated. If a player, coach, or fan is proven to be in violation of this, the result will be an immediate ejection from the tournament venue at the discretion of the tournament director.


No player may compete, or be rostered, on more than one team during the tournament.

No High School players are allowed on any team at any time.  This includes Fresh/Soph, JV and Varsity players.  Any team competing with High School players will forfeit all games in the tournament and will not be allowed to advance to the playoff rounds.

9U players must be born after August 31, 2015.

11U players must be born after August 31, 2013.

13U players must be born after August 31, 2011.

15U players must be born after August 31, 2009.

Placement on a grade based team ( 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, and 2034/2035) is dictated by the highest grade of any player on the team.

Any violation of the tournament roster rules will result in forfeiture of any games in which the ineligible player participated and may result in disqualification from the tournament.


Points will be awarded after each game in the following manner:

3 points for a win

1 point for a tie

0 points for a loss

Playoff Seeds

1) Head-to-Head

2) Goals against

3) Goal differential (max 7 per game +/-)

4) Coin flip.

In the event of a 3+ team tie, the tiebreaker process starts at step 2. Once a team is selected as winning the 3+ team tiebreaker. The process starts at step 1 once 2 teams are remaining.

One referee at each game will hold the scorecard for the game.  At the end of each game the referee will record the official score and sign the scorecard.  Any questions regarding the score should be addressed at this time.  It is the coach’s responsibility to ensure that the correct score is recorded.  The scorecard will be turned in at the Registration table at each field.  Scores will be posted online at the end of the day.

No player can compete on more than one team within the same age group or grad year for a different club. Limited age exceptions can be made in advance at the discretion of tournament directors. No roster limit. 

LIGHTNING SAFETY:  Three (3) blasts of an air horn indicate LIGHTNING and all fields must be cleared IMMEDIATELY. Players and fans must go to the tournament’s designated safe shelter. Safe shelter is considered any fully enclosed building that involves plumbing and/or electrical wires that act to electrically ground the structure-places that people live or work.  If such a shelter cannot be found, take shelter in any vehicle with a hard metal roof and closed windows. No outdoor activities are to be resumed until 30 minutes after the last sign of lightning/thunder or the all-clear email has been received. For every strike observed, the 30-minute timer is reset. Five (5) blasts means the field is now open and play can resume.

HOT WEATHER SAFETY:  Tournament Director will monitor the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature. When indicated by the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature, tournament game times will be modified to comply with current recommendations.


Tournament Directors will only communicate with Club Directors and/or head coaches serving as deputy club directors on site. 


In the event of adverse weather conditions, the tournament director reserves the right to:

  • Reduce the game times in order to catch up with the schedule or cancel games as needed
  • Finish games before inclement weather arrives or to preserve field conditions.
  • Reschedule games, if possible.
  • Convert tournament to a “Festival” format without playoffs or championships to provide the majority of the teams the opportunity to play as many games as possible.
  • Every attempt will be made to update cancellations on the Aloha Tournaments website. However, weather conditions can change rapidly, and all teams should be prepared to play as soon as weather clears and fields are playable.

If thunder or lightning is observed at any location, play will be suspended immediately, and players and fans will be required to leave the field. Play will be allowed to resume 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder or sight of lightning is observed.  If a game is in progress:

  • The period will end immediately.
  • If a game is in the second half of running time period the game will be considered final and the score at that point will be recorded.
  • If a game is in the first half of running time when play resumes it will be the start of the second half of the running time period.
  • Every attempt will be made to begin subsequent games on time. If the start of the second half of the suspended game delays the onset of the subsequent game the following actions will occur:
  • The suspended game will play a 20 minute running time second half.

Subsequent games will begin immediately after the preceding games (teams will warm up on the sideline prior to the game). These games will consist of one 25 minute running time period until games are back on schedule.  Teams will have one 30 second timeout per game not to be used in the last two minutes of the  game (the clock will not stop during these timeouts).

  • Once games are back on schedule, they will revert back to  25 minute running time periods.
  • We will make every attempt to play every minute of every game, but we will not jeopardize the safety of any player.
  • All games canceled due to weather will be considered a 4 – 2 win for both teams.

Event Cancellation Insurance

Affordable Protection:

Adding Event Cancellation Team Coverage to your registration is a smart choice for safeguarding against the unexpected. Don’t let the possibility of weather-related cancellations disrupt your team’s plans or financial commitments.

Comprehensive Weather Protection:

This policy covers all unsafe weather-related conditions, ensuring teams are protected from the unexpected, including: Heat, rain, ice, snow, hail, smoke, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, unplayable venues.

How Does It Work

When you register your team for a tournament you will see an option to add Team Coverage Insurance. This insurance protects your team’s registration fees based on games played versus games guaranteed. If the tournament is forced to fully or partially cancel and your team doesn’t play the number of games guaranteed, your team is reimbursed the unused portion of your registration fee.

Assured Refund Mechanism

Weather is unpredictable, but your team’s financial stability doesn’t have to be. With this insurance, you can rest easy knowing that your registration fees are covered if games are cancelled due to rain, snow, extreme heat or any unsafe playing conditions related to the weather!

Key Details

Purchase Date

Policies must be purchased a minimum of 14 days before the event start date.

100% Coverage

The insurance covers the entire non-refundable entry fee.

Policy Rate

The policy rate is 10% for outdoor events.


If your team is not accepted into the event the insurance can be refunded!

Add Insurance to a Previously Registered Program

If currently registered for a program and it offers insurance click the ADD INSURANCE button below.
  • Login -> Click Details button on the line you want to purchase insurance for and follow steps to purchase.
  • If a program doesn’t offer insurance, there will be no mention of insurance after you click Details.



By registering for a 3STEP Program, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:
1. No Refunds: All registration fees are non-refundable. Once payment is received, there will be no refunds issued
for any reason, including, but not limited to, Program cancellation, injury, absence, or non-participation.
2. Event Cancellation: If 3STEP cancels a Program due to unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather, facility
closure, or other reasons outside our control, 3STEP will make every effort to reschedule. If rescheduling is not
possible, 3STEP may, in its sole discretion, offer full or partial credit which can be used toward participation in a
future 3STEP program.
3. Missed Games/Practices: If an athlete misses any game, practice, or event for any reason, including illness, injury,
or personal conflict, no refund will be issued. However, 3STEP may, in its sole discretion, offer partial credit which
can be used toward participation in a future 3STEP program.
4. Transfers: Registration fees are non-transferable. In other words, once an athlete is registered for a specific
Program, their registration cannot be transferred to another athlete.
5. Special Considerations: While we do not issue refunds, in exceptional cases, such as a serious medical condition
or family emergency, we may consider offering full or partial credit on a case-by-case basis. Requests must be
submitted in writing with appropriate documentation, and such requests are not guaranteed.
6. Program Insurance: We strongly encourage you to consider purchasing insurance for participation in any 3STEP
Program. Insurance can provide protection if an athlete or team is unable to attend a Program due to unforeseen
circumstances such as illness, injury, or emergencies, and may help recoup registration costs. While 3STEP does
not provide cancellation insurance, we have facilitated an opportunity for you to do so through US Sports Club
Insurance (“USSCI”). You can purchase insurance coverage through USSCI during Program registration or by
7. Acknowledgment: By completing the Program registration process, you confirm you have read, understood, and
agreed to the terms of this Policy.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to providing an enjoyable and rewarding experience for each and every

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please visit this link.

2024 Girls Beach Lax Champions